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Extreme Weather Records by State - Data Table

State Climate Extremes Committee

What were the highest and lowest temperatures in your state, and when and where were they measured? This site shows records for every state in categories such as temperature, total amount of rain or snow in 24 hours, weight and diameter of hail-stones, and highest wind gusts.

Where do these data come from?

Records in this data come from weather stations and observers who document the extremes they measure. If an existing record may have been tied or exceeded, the State Climate Extremes Committee, an ad hoc committee established to evaluate the climatological records of individual states, is notified, and it is brought to the attention of the local National Weather Service (NWS) Weather Forecast Office or the state's State Climatologist. If, after reviewing the observation, the WFO or State Climatologist feels it is legitimate, they will convene the SCEC for a review and vote to accept or reject the value as a new record or a tie in the state's list of most extreme conditions.

  • What can I do with these data?

    • Compare records among states to identify national records
    • Obtain data from stations nearby (in distance and time) where a record was set to judge how widespread the event that produced the record was.

    How do I use the site?

    • Browse the whole table of records, or select a state or a specific element to explore records.
    • Click Station ID links for information about the station where record-setting measurements were made to explore the site's characteristics and history.
      • Order and download a summary of daily records for any time during the period of record for the site.
    • Learn more about extreme records in the Overview section accessible above the table of records.
    • Download the table of records and perform your own rankings and analyses in a spreadsheet or other program.


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