Polar Vortex Blog
Parts of the Midwest and East Coast have been blanketed by the first major snow of 2025, with temperatures dropping as fast as my New Year’s resolutions. Do we have the stratosphere, the polar vortex in particular [footnote #1], to blame (or thank) for this recent cold air outbreak? We don’t think so. This seems like a case of the polar vortex getting blamed for being a trouble maker, when it was actually minding its own business. We’ll tell you why below.
Our usual suspect has an alibi: the polar vortex has been strong
A common way in which the stratospheric polar vortex contributes to cold air outbreaks over the eastern U.S. usually involves two key ingredients.…
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When we launched this blog last winter, the atmosphere came through for us with not one, but two breakdowns of the stratospheric polar vortex. That was very considerate of it, given that many winters pass without even a single one. With all the excitement that occurs when the stratospheric polar vortex is disrupted during a sudden stratospheric warming, our readers might wonder whether there is any way to predict weeks or even months ahead of time the likelihood that one (or more!) will occur this upcoming winter.
As we discussed last year, there are certain ingredients that need to come together to drive a sudden stratospheric warming. These can be boiled down to two main factors:
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Though many aspects of nature in the Northern Hemisphere tend to quiet down during the winter, the Arctic stratospheric polar vortex (we’ll just call it the polar vortex from here on) is just getting started. Read on to get a recap of what the polar vortex is, what happened over the past summer, and what antics the polar vortex has been getting into recently.
The polar vortex: a lonely bear or party animal?
For those of you who are new to the polar vortex blog or are reminiscing over those summer polar vortex-less days, let’s start with a brief recap [footnote 1]. The polar vortex is a band of strong west-to-east winds that forms in the stratosphere between about 10 and 30 miles …
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As polar vortex season winds down, so does Season 1 of the Polar Vortex Blog. In our final post of the season, we discuss whether the season is ending on a cliffhanger or just tying up loose ends.
Season finale of the polar vortex
The polar stratospheric west-to-east winds have been steadily weakening and as of April 28, the winds at 60 degrees North, 10-hPa reversed direction, becoming east-to-west. As mentioned in the previous post, this breakdown of the polar vortex isn’t a shocking cliffhanger, but rather the final stratospheric warming that occurs every spring as a result of the sun “rising” over the North Pole. Probably the most noteworthy part of the final warming is that it ha…
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Based on some questions from readers and from some stories we’ve seen online in the past month, we’ve come to realize that there may be some confusion about what our experts mean when they talk about there being a “reversal” of the polar vortex. Since my primary role on the blog is to notice when such confusion might happen and try to prevent it, I volunteered to do this unplanned post as penance for having failed to recognize that some of our previous explanations might not have been totally clear.
So, let me explain why we are going to stop saying 'polar vortex reversal.'
It’s a reversal
In previous posts, Amy and Laura explained that we can estimate the strength of the pola…
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