How much of the Northern Hemisphere is covered with snow and ice today? How has that changed over the satellite record?
Daily maps, charts, and animations show the extent of snow and ice over the contiguous United States, Alaska, or the whole Northern Hemisphere. You can explore sequences of images to see how snow and ice cover grow and shrink over a year or change from decade to decade.
Where do these data come from?
Instruments on satellites measure the reflectance of Earth's surface in various wavelengths every day. Snow and ice have a recognizable pattern of reflectance, so the satellite data can be processed to show where snow and ice are present.
What can I do with these data?
Access static daily images or download images to generate animations showing how the extent of snow and ice changes in response to storms or the progression of seasons
How do I use the site?
- Start at
- To view daily maps from the current year, click one of the links under your region of interest.
- To view daily maps from previous years, click the Archive button to the right of your format of interest. Note that images are numbered with the year followed by the Julian Date, essentially counting the number of days of the year from January 1 (Julian date = 001) to December 31 (Julian date = 365).
- Right-click any image to download it. You can use image software or websites to generate animations from the single images.