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File: IPCC_AR6_climate-change-impacts_1860px.jpg

Global maps show heat health and biodiversity impacts of different amounts of future warming

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(top) Global maps showing how often people in different places have historically been exposed to dangerous combinations of heat and humidity (far left), and how the area and number of days will increase (left to right) with increased warming if no adaptation takes place. Even with the lowest levels of warming, some parts of the tropics may face potentially deadly heat and humidity nearly year round (darkest purple).  (bottom) Global maps showing the increasing percentage of more than 30,000 species of animals and sea grasses that are likely to be exposed to dangerous heat with greater amounts of global warming. NOAA graphic adapted from Figure SPM.3, on page 16 of the Summary for Policymakers, in the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report: Synthesis Report.