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File: Earth-energy-budget-solar-radiation-management.png

illustration of key parts of Earth's energy budget and ways it could be modified

Image caption

Figure 1.  Proposed methods for modifying Earth’s radiation budget, including SRM methods and cirrus cloud thinning.

Stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI): a strategy for increasing the number of small reflective aerosols in the stratosphere to increase the reflection of incoming sunlight. 

Marine cloud brightening (MCB): a strategy for adding aerosol to the lower atmosphere over ocean regions to increase the reflectivity of low-lying marine clouds.

Cirrus cloud thinning (CCT):  a strategy for modifying the properties of high altitude ice clouds to increase the transmission of outgoing terrestrial radiation to space.

Surface albedo enhancement: increasing the reflectivity of surfaces through, for example, white roofs or land-cover changes.

Space-based methods: proposed methods have primarily considered large “mirrors” in space to reflect sunlight.