C-SHiELD: next-generation of extreme weather prediction

Climate change, including a warming Arctic, may complicate weather prediction. Credit: C-SHiELD
When it comes to climate science, seeing the forest for the trees is important. Seeing each tree within the forest, however, may prove more revolutionary.
One of the biggest advancements in weather forecasting over the past decade is the ability to go beyond the overall global weather patterns and instead zoom in closer to study individual storms.
With the end of the 2021 hurricane season coming to an end in December, and yet another year of high severe events recorded, advancements in climate modeling and weather prediction are at the center of attention.
As Deputy Division Leader for the Weather and Climate Dynamics Division, Harris is leading the development of a next-generation weather prediction model called C-SHiELD, or “Continental System for High-resolution prediction on Earth-to-Local Domains.”
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