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Integrated Global Greenhouse Gas Information System (IG3IS) Best Research Practices Guidelines draft now open for comments

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Urban areas across the US can benefit from more detailed tracking of greenhouse gas emissions. Credit: NOAA ESRL

As one of the major contributors of greenhouse gases, urban areas have a growing need to reduce emissions and serve as foci of national and international mitigation efforts. Although most cities rely on inventory-based methods to assess their emissions, and reports focus primarily on estimating annual city-wide CO2 emissions for each source sector, the expanding focus on mitigation is increasing the need for more detailed, timely, and comprehensive information on emissions at sub-national scales. 

The Integrated Global Greenhouse Gas Information System (IG3IS), a WMO Global Atmospheric Watch (GAW) initiative, produced a draft report titled “Urban Greenhouse Gas Emissions Observation and Monitoring Best Research Practices.”

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