Interagency meeting on the new NOAA Blue Carbon Inventory Project convened
Mangroves serve as powerful carbon sinks. Credit: NOAA Ocean Service
On May 27th, CPO hosted a meeting of US agencies and several external partners involved in international coastal blue carbon research, capacity building, and climate policy, for the purpose of advancing collaboration through the recently established NOAA Blue Carbon Inventory (BCI) Project.
The NOAA BCI Project is nearing the end of a scoping phase consisting of a series of targeted engagements and opportunity/gap assessment focused on the current status of integrating coastal wetlands in National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (NGGIs) in countries identified as priorities by the NOAA-State Department partnership. The project team hopes the assessment will help identify key partner countries and initial activities to be supported by the NOAA BCI Project.
Read more at the link below.