NASA successfully launches TEMPO, pathfinder to NOAA’s future GeoXO Satellite Mission

The TEMPO satellite launched April 7, 2023. Credit: Walter Scriptunas/Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian
In the early morning hours of Friday, April 7th, NASA successfully launched the Tropospheric Emissions: Monitoring of Pollution (EVI-1) (TEMPO) satellite mission from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. TEMPO will provide high resolution air quality data on an hourly basis across North America. NOAA representatives attending the launch included Ivanka Stajner (NWS), Shobha Kondragunta (NESDIS), Walter Wolf (NESDIS), and Greg Frost (OAR).
NOAA will play an important role in using and evaluating the data from TEMPO, as well as coordinating successive scientific activities.