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NOAA and India team up to create life-saving tropical cyclone forecast model for nation of a billion

A 12-year collaboration between NOAA’s Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory (AOML) and the Indian Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES) has culminated in a renewal of an Implementing Arrangement (IA) on Technical Cooperation in Development of Tropical Cyclone Numerical Weather Prediction System for the Indian Seas, which paves the way for advances in severe weather modeling. The IA covers cyclone-specific work under a broader NOAA-MoES Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). The IA fosters joint research to improve tropical cyclone forecasts, as well as a commitment to augment the newest severe weather model – the Indian Ocean-Land Atmosphere model (IOLA) – throughout its years of use.

This collaborative cyclone forecast model is a shining example of how life-saving advancements can be made through scientific rigor and partnerships. It was developed by scientists at AOML in collaboration with MoES and academic partners at the University of Texas-Austin and the National Institute of Technology-Rourkela.

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