Por una gran mayoría, los científicos del clima están de acuerdo en que la temperatura global promedio hoy en día es más cálida que en la época preindustrial, y que la actividad humana es el principal factor contribuyente.

Ko Barrett, a Vice Chair of the IPCC, answers questions about the group's recent special report on what 1.5°C of global warming will mean for people, ecosystems, and economies.

Concentration of carbon dioxide is about 1.4 times what it was before the Industrial Revolution. How much and how fast will Earth warm if carbon dioxide concentrations double the pre-industrial?

Ron Stouffer and Gabriel Vecchi of NOAA’s Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory in Princeton, N.J., share their experiences working on one of the most comprehensive scientific documents in history.

The findings of their review of more than 14,000 studies are clear: climate change is affecting nearly every part of the planet, and there is no doubt that human activities are the cause.