Can climate science help the construction industry save money and manage risk? With a new app, a team of scientists and construction managers aims to find out.
Can climate science help the construction industry save money and manage risk? With a new app, a team of scientists and construction managers aims to find out.
Using climate simulations, water managers in the Colorado River basin helped helped stakeholders imagine and prepare for future risks.
NOAA is helping the CDC build a new heat-health information system to help protect Americans from sweltering summers.
Florida's humid climate is a major headache for strawberry growers. An alert system that warns of fungus-friendly weather conditions has reduced costs and risks associated with unnecessary chemical spraying.
On August 25, 2011, Dr. Elwynn Taylor, Iowa State University's Extension Climatologist, tweeted to Iowa corn farmers: “Weather based statistics indicate a US corn yield of 149BPA, the prime factor this year is the Aridity Index.” Taylor uses NOAA climate information and seasonal outlooks to help thousands of the region's farmers manage risk. Nearly 5,000 followers look to his Twitter feed for guidance.
Starting in July, when you hear that a day was hotter, or colder, or rainier than normal, that normal will be a little different from what it was in the past.