Edited by NOAA scientists, the new report reveals scientists' advancing ability to quantify human imprint in climate.
Edited by NOAA scientists, the new report reveals scientists' advancing ability to quantify human imprint in climate.
Weather and climate occur on different scales of time and space, and depend on different aspects of Earth's environment. Weather describes atmospheric conditions at a particular time and place. Climate is the overall statistical characteristics of weather and environmental conditions, such as long-term averages and ranges of variability, for a given place and season.
Considering some locations experience temperature swings of 30°F or more in a single day, warming of 1.8°F (1°C) might seem small, but Earth's annual temperatures are very stable when climate isn't changing.
¿Qué tan buenos somos para detectar la influencia del calentamiento global en huracanes, incendios y otros eventos extremos? Estas preguntas y respuestas de nuestros archivos lo explican.
Find the hottest summer day for thousands of U.S. stations with this interactive map.
October 14, 2015
AgroClimate.org is an open-source suite of tools and resources tailored to farmers and ranchers in the southeastern United States.
The United States has plenty of warming wiggle room before it gets too warm to snow, and a wetter atmosphere may boost snow totals for some storms.
From changes in cooling degree days to the local effects of El Niño, the Local Climate Analysis Tool helps meteorologists and others understand the connection between global climate and local impacts.