Carbon Fee or Tax
Knowledge of the problem is one thing. Solutions are another. We need a national carbon price. In fact, the transition to low carbon world is a boon - a huge economic benefit.
A recent study by blue ribbon panel Regional Economic
Modeling Inc. demonstrates that a
small rebated carbon tax (100% rebated to citizens) would actually add millions
of jobs, add over $1 T (!) to the GDP, save 200,000 lives, create a monthly
income (from the rebate) and, MOST IMPORTANT, reduce emissions 50% (three times
faster than EPA regs) - in just 20 years.
This from prestigious REMI.....
This approach won the MIT Climate Change Proposals Contest :
It is called “The Little Engine That Could.”
Carbon Fee and Rebate is a small government (it doesn't keep
a dime), free market, pro-life policy.
Will the GOP in Congress stand by their hallowed principles or by the ff
Such bills are waiting in Congress. If we don't vote, the deniers' lobbyists win.