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Knowledge of the problem is one thing. Solutions are another. We need a national carbon price. In fact, the transition to low carbon world is a boon - a huge economic benefit. A recent study by blue ribbon panel Regional Economic Modeling Inc. demonstrates that a small rebated carbon tax (100% rebated to citizens) would actually add millions of jobs, add over $1 T (!) to the GDP, save 200,000 lives, create a monthly income (from the rebate) and, MOST IMPORTANT, reduce emissions 50% (three times faster than EPA regs) - in just 20 years. This from prestigious REMI..... http://citizensclimatelobby.or... This approach won the MIT Climate Change Proposals Contest : It is called “The Little Engine That Could.” Carbon Fee and Rebate is a small government (it doesn't keep a dime), free market, pro-life policy. Will the GOP in Congress stand by their hallowed principles or by the ff industry? Such bills are waiting in Congress. If we don't vote, the deniers' lobbyists win.