When we look in to Indian monsoon pattern, the North-East monsoon( Nov-Jan ) almost failed, leading to considerable negative impact on agriculture.This indicates that even though weak El Nino seems to have significantly affected Indian NE monsoon.If El Nino extends for 28 months, in one form or the other, we would have significant negative impact on 2015 monsoon.Agriculture activities are in general taken up from June and small and marginal farmers go for loans to tak up farming.If medium and short term advisories are not given, like 2014, these farmers would face considerable losses.Since we believe NOAA , NSA, Australian Met advisory and European weather predictions re relatively much accurate compared to our own IMD predictions I urge these organisations to release monthly bulletins from April so that a broad image of monsoon pattern could be prepared, as a base.Additions from local and regional nputs over this miht help in advising the fming community.It is time the global scientific community come forward to exchange needed data to make prediction models more authentic, if not exact.