RE: climate-wind strength long term trends
Wow, you really go back a long way, talking about Joe Fletcher. MANY scientists have picked up where he left off. To name just a small subset: Gene Rasmussion, Mark Cane, Steve Zebiak, Max Suarez, Paul Schopf, Mike McPhaden, Chet Ropelewski, Tim Barnett, Kevin Trenberth, Mojib Latif, Ants Leetmaa, Ming Ji, Arun Kumar, Marty Hoerling, Tim Stockdale, Tim Palmer. I'm sure I'm omitting some others. I guess by "wind strength around the world", you're referring to the angular momentum studied by Rick Rosen, am I right? And during ENSO there is a perturbation in it. Sun intensity? How do you relate that (e.g., the 11-year cycle) to ENSO? COADS? Are you back in the 1990s still? Yes, we still use ship and buoy SST observations, and combine them with satellite measurements for some of the current SST data sets. You should check out the ERSST data set and the OISST data set. A lot has been going on since the 1990s!