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We live in Bonney Lake WA with a southern view of the horizon and Mt. Rainier. Before this year we would see around 5 contrails at any time in the sky all day long. After the shutdowns it changed to one contrail every 5 days. Clear blue skies. The weather reports showed record daily temperatures across the world. 107 degrees on the Siberian/Artic coast. 130 degrees in Death Valley. Vastly reduced fracking and car use. It seems likely that the contrails missing from California and Seattle to Hawaii and Asia and all across the Atlantic and many land areas could be changing the weather. A big question is how lack of contrails might impact open ocean water. It might be different than how land is impacted. The surface roughness of the ocean due to wind could have an impact. So is anyone studying these impacts in a short term way instead of attempting to match and merge them with "normal" weather patterns. There are different impacts on long and short daylight times on land and the sea. We could be seeing ongoing and varying impact as air travel slowly returns to normal.