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Where will the rain snow line in nyc likely set up? People that I speak to have no idea why a heavy snowfall in nyc has to have nne winds. Even if its 26 degrees and the winds are easterly, the upper atmoshere warms first and in a few hours the snow changes to a mix of snow sleet rain - sleet to rain, as the ocean temp never goes below 37-39 degrees...A se wind turns the snow line to all rain in 2-3 hours even if its in the mid twenies.. And the temps go to 35-40 degrees and above ,,sometimes into the 50's about 6-10 hours after it was 25 degrees in a few hours.. Am I correct? .Big snowfalls, the low pressure must track about 50 miles sse of nyc...Over nyc its a mix and a bit north of nyc its all rain,!! Oh that wind direction is so crucial..