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It seems like the article is not taking into account the seriousness of increased water vapor that is being added to the atmosphere due to the increase in temperature of the oceans. The additional energy added to the oceans increases the evaporation rate of water because the water molecule is an excellent molecule at being able to absorb heat energy. The more heat energy the water molecule absorbs, the longer the water molecule can persist in the form of humidity (water vapor) in the atmosphere, which is why the equatorial countries are always humid. 

The laws of physics apply to the weight and presence of the water molecules in the atmosphere. 

The increased water particles in the atmosphere results in an increased rate of particle collision. 

The increased weight of the water in atmosphere also has an effect on the severity of the winds.

The increased weight of the water increases the potential energy of each raindrop that forms, and when the rain falls, the potential energy changes to kinetic energy. 

All of the laws of physics are centered around the mass of the particle.