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I was just now clearing out spam in our mailbox, and I accidentally deleted a legit comment. (Whoops!) It began something like, "Will El Niño temporarily erase global warming? It seems like here in Ohio..."

If that was your comment, please submit it again to get your full question answered!


But regarding the initial part, the answer is no. If anything were going to temporarily erase global warming, it would be La Niña, not El Niño. La Niña tends to lower global average temperature; El Niño tends to raise it.

But as the post explains, (1) the surface cooling provided by La Niña is much smaller than the warming being caused by increasing greenhouse gases, and (2) La Niña doesn't produce a long-term decrease in total planetary heat uptake (the balance of incoming sunlight and outgoing, radiated heat), which is what it would take to erase or even slow down global warming due to excess greenhouse gases.