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Even this time last year, an El Niño was predicted, but in May 2022 it became clear that this prediction was wrong. Could it be,  that the same is happening now? Here in Europe, there was very severe drought conditions and extreme heat from April 2018 to January 2019, and that was an El Niño year. Regarding temperatures around the north Atlantic, it is often said that NAO and AMOC indices reflects the realities much more than ENSO. But I note (I'm no expert) that since 1987/88 there has only been two european winters which were colder than normal: 1995-96 and 2012-13. The NAO has had a very clear tendency to be more and more positive since 1965-70, see…

My observation is, that every winter since 1987/88, with the exceptions of only 1995/96 and 2011/12 , has been colder than normal in the region SW Greenland to NE Canada (Baffins Land). Since the mass balance for the inland ice/glaciers in both Baffins Land and western Greenland has been more negative in this period too, could this maybe (among other things) be caused by more fresh meltwater on top of the seawater between Baffins Land and W Greenland, which weakens the Irminger current (an arm of the warm N Atlantic current)?