Nino 3.4 SST
You can find the weekly (OISST), monthly (OISST and ERSST), and seasonal (ERSST) Nino region sea surface temperature data that NOAA monitors at this website. Specifically, the weekly OISST can be found here (latest weekly Nino 3.4 index of 1.6C). NOAA CPC does not regularly monitor daily Nino 3.4 sea surface temperature data.
Keep in mind that the daily Nino 3.4 values that you find on Tropical Tidbits are based on CDAS Reanalysis, which is a product that combines observations with a climate model to fill in data gaps. The values from this reanalysis do not and are not expected to match up exactly with the official sea surface temperature data that NOAA monitors. The daily CDAS time series still can be a useful indicator of recent changes in the Nino 3.4 index, but as you can see, there can be substantial offsets between the values you see there and what is seen in the more purely observation-based OISST and ERSST products (but even those products can have substantial differences at times).