The June round of our “Climate Challenge” social media game pitted experts against players to answer the following question: What percent area of the United States will be in severe drought or worse in June 2015?
Summer heat wave arrives in Europe
July 14, 2015
For those trying to guess the May 2015 global temperature as part of our 'Climate Challenge' game, the climate served up a new record. Nowhere was record cool, but lots of places were record warm.
After an extremely heavy rain in September 2013 destroyed 500 miles of roads, Colorado is redesigning some riverside roadways to be more resilient to future floods.
Hyperactive start to eastern Pacific hurricane season
June 17, 2015
The nationwide average precipitation was the highest ever recorded in 121 years. Devastating floods ended a multi-year drought in the Southern Plains.
Scienitsts find connection between El Niño and fewer spring tornadoes in the south-central United States.
Flood disaster in Texas and Oklahoma
June 2, 2015
Community groups are working to establish a connected ring of conservation land around St. Louis, Missouri. They're also incorporating economic data with flood models to help them target areas that will also provide flood protection.