The Air Quality and Community Health Research Subcommittee of the National Science and Technology Council has just published a website on air quality and human health.
Two new studies focusing on the tropical Pacific and atmospheric circulation uncover mechanisms driving extreme weather patterns and may help improve predictions.
NOAA’s Climate, Ecosystems, and Fisheries Initiative is an initiative to provide decision makers with needed information to mitigate and adapt to the effects climate change on key marine and Great Lakes resources.
The NOAA Climate Program Office (CPO) Adaptation Sciences (AdSci) program is excited to announce eight new awards totaling $2,395,476 that will build the nation’s climate resilience.
Phased Array Radar can give meteorologists a clear view of fast-moving weather systems by providing almost instantaneous scans of multiple areas in the atmosphere at once.
At current rates, the Global Carbon Budget estimates, there’s a 50 percent likelihood that global average air temperatures will regularly exceed the 1.5-degree Celsius target (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) by 2031.
A newly published study projects an increase in the variability of Atlantic tropical cyclone activity, leading to more active and inactive hurricane seasons and less near-normal seasons.
The expected La Niña has been slow to develop. There's still a 57% chance it will emerge soon, and the atmosphere is already looking a bit like La Niña. Our blogger discusses some of the climate conditions at work in the tropical Pacific.
During the 2020-2022 drought, evaporation accounted for 61 percent of the drought’s severity, while reduced precipitation only accounted for only 39 percent.
Drought data over 2001-2021 suggest that in the western United States, low rainfall drove droughts but in the central and eastern U.S., low soil moisture and high evaporation played a bigger role.