The August temperature outlook favors well above-average temperatures across the southern tier of the country. Above-average precipitation is favored across the middle of the country.
July is the hottest month of the year. How hot might it be in the future?
Earth had its warmest June on record, with ocean temperatures hotter than any month in the historic record.
June brought the country extreme heat and billion-dollar severe storms.
When forecasters remove the observed trend from sea surface temperatures, the predicted heat wave area drops from 50 percent of the global ocean to 25 percent.
A much warmer than normal July is favored across the northern tier of the country, paired with boosted chances for a relatively dry July around the Great Lakes.
Will El Niño push the planet to a new record-high temperature in 2023? Our guest blogger explains what past years tell us.
Globally, May 2023 was the third-warmest May in the 174-year NOAA record. It's virtually certain that the year 2023 will rank among the 10-warmest years on record.
Much of the West was warmer than average in May, but the Mid-Atlantic and Southeast were cooler than average.