The NOAA Blue Carbon Inventory Project works with partner countries to advance the development of climate change mitigation, coastal wetland management, and resilience strategies that reflect the societal and climate value of coastal wetlands.
Using national survey data, researchers assessed changes in how middle school teachers taught climate change from 2014 to 2019. They found that both the proportion of teachers covering climate change and the number of hours they spent on the subject increased.
Learn all about Argo from the perspective of four scientists with NOAA’s labs and cooperative institutes across the country, and what makes this ocean observing instrument special.
This month marks 25 years since Argo floats began drifting with currents and diving for data. The array has helped scientists to better understand changes in the ocean, improve climate and weather forecasts and ultimately help society prepare for environmental change.
Learn what goes into growing these staples of holiday festivities, and how they are affected by weather and climate.
November 30 marks the official end of the 2024 Atlantic hurricane season. Throughout this active season, NOAA scientists set new records in tropical cyclone research.
NOAA has announced a new agreement to support evaluation of whether the ocean can safely remove and store billions of tons of carbon dioxide.
A new analysis found that ozone pollution readings in the Upper Midwest caused by massive Canadian wildfires in spring 2023 were the worst in decades.
Rare observations of surface currents in the Bay of Bengal will help scientists understand when an ocean current may veer in a direction opposite to what they expect.
New research indicates that year-to-year hurricane variability has already increased, and projects a further 36 percent increase by the middle of the 21st century.