With long ranges and adaptive capabilites, saildrones provide researchers with a new tool in their toolbox for collecting data in remote and hard to reach parts of the ocean.
Richmond's citizen-scientists took to the streets on specially equipped bikes and cars to find out where it’s hottest—and where residents might be most vulnerable to extreme urban heat.
This animated gif tracks the emergence and decay of La Niña in the tropical Pacific from August 2017-April 2018.
Old ice continues disappearing from the Arctic Ocean, continuing a decades-long pattern.
Models suggest 2016's extreme warmth may be the Arctic's new normal within a decade.
Oklahoma tornado drought to start 2018
May 4, 2018
The chances that May-July temperatures will be well above normal are better than 50% across much of the southwestern United States and New England.
Wildfires break out in Oklahoma in April 2018
April 24, 2018
A dry winter set the stage for widespread and severe drought across the Southwest and Southern Plains.
A lack of persistent sea ice in waters around the Bering Strait this winter disrupted travel, damaged roads and other infrastructure, and prevented traditional hunting and fishing in several coastal communities in western Alaska.