From record-high summer heat to the greening of the Arctic, this collection of images highlights several key "vital signs" of the Arctic.
China has overtaken the U.S. as the largest annual emitter, but all countries have to reduce their emissions if we want to stop further global warming. Every fraction of a degree of warming we avoid lowers the risks to people and other life on Earth.
One of the most ambitious reef-restoration efforts ever attempted worldwide faces a tough challenge: restoring reefs to their past glory while helping them confront future change.
Snow-cover duration continued a longer-term pattern in 2021–22, of significantly faster springtime snowmelt.
The 2022 melt season on the Greenland Ice Sheet started slowly, but ended late, with multiple melt spikes in September.
Arctic temperatures over 2021-22 were the sixth-warmest on record, based on records dating back to 1900.
Blue-carbon ecosystems have a small global footprint, but they can bury many times more carbon per acre than even a tropical rainforest.
In many locations, spring snow also melts earlier, reducing summer streamflows.