Unusual weather conditions in 2017—including a blizzard caused by the remnants of 2016's Hurricane Nicole and a short surface melt season—are behind preliminary estimates of a small gain in ice mass on the Greenland Ice Sheet this year.
Greenland: A land of ice and...other stuff
September 8, 2017
Massive fires burning across the West in September 2017
September 7, 2017
Malaria is among the world's deadliest diseases. Rising temperatures in Ethiopia are expanding malaria risk zones.
¿Qué tan buenos somos para detectar la influencia del calentamiento global en huracanes, incendios y otros eventos extremos? Estas preguntas y respuestas de nuestros archivos lo explican.
Wildfire still burning in Greenland tundra in mid-August 2017
August 18, 2017
Using lessons from past hurricanes, a Massachusetts town safeguards its water supply and prepares its residents for a future that includes more intense weather.
Where the threat of wildfires is rising, HEPA filters and air scrubbers installed for protection against pandemics can also provide climate resilience by protecting hospitals from smoke.
When a flood is forecast for the Red River of the North, community leaders, emergency responders, and residents around Fargo, ND, and Moorhead, MN, can gauge their need for preparation by accessing visualizations showing the extent, depth, and timing of expected flooding.
First hurricane of the 2017 Atlantic season hits Mexico
August 11, 2017