It's no joke: forecasts are still favoring a La Niña three-peat this winter.
A blog about monitoring and forecasting El Niño, La Niña, and its impacts.
Alaska is more than 4,000 miles from the equator. Does the influence of El Niño and La Niña reach that far?
The chances that La Niña will last through summer are only slightly higher than the chances of a short dip into neutral before returning to La Niña by early winter. How will it affect the hurricane season?
Residents of Hawaii who've felt left out over the years as the ENSO blog has largely focused on the Lower 48, here's a post all your own.
As the ENSO blog turns 8, we're looking at the present nobody wanted: a La Niña three-peat looks increasingly likely this winter.
Our bloggers explain why climate forecasters keep using that word...and how it doesn't mean what you think it means.
From ranks to probabilities, our blogger runs you through the numbers that add up to NOAA's forecast that La Niña is likely to last through summer.

How well did the 2021-2022 Winter outlook do? Pretty well if you ask me! Chalk up another year in a track record of outlooks performing better than random chance.
It's too soon to tell whether this winter's double-dip La Niña will become next winter's three-bean salad. But our blogger tells us what's on the menu this spring.
How do El Niño and La Niña affect atmospheric rivers?